To make it easier for you and your team to access an important List, you can add it to the Dashboard.

Note: only Admin Users and Project Admin Users can edit the Project Dashboard.

Add an Individual List to the Dashboard

Open your List and click the three dots in the top-right corner and select "Add to Dashboard".

Choose whether you'd like a heading, what font size and colour you want, and click "Create". 

Your List is added to the Dashboard for easy access.

Add All Lists to the Dashboard

You can add a list of all Lists to the Dashboard. 

Click the Home button  in the sidebar to go to the Dashboard.

Expand the toolbar, then click Settings and + (Add).

The "Add to Dashboard" menu will open. Choose "Lists" from the options.

Choose whether to display a heading, and your text and background colour. Click "Create".

A list of all Lists will be added to the Dashboard for easy access.