Lumi Projects

Lumi Projects are perfect for teams collaborating together.  You may be wondering how many Lumi Projects you need or what to use them for.

If you're an Events, Production Company or Radio Network, you'd likely have one Lumi project for each of your shows, events or productions.  Perfect for Large Events, TV Shows, Live Broadcast, Films, Radio Shows, Documentaries, etc.

If you manage a lot of smaller scale work or people, with the same hands across many projects, tasks and contacts, you may find it easier to have one Lumi Project, so you can keep everything together in one place. Perfect for: Development, Agencies, multiple small Events, Casting, Crewing, Education,  Digital Workspaces, and Talent Management. 

You may also like to use a Lumi Project to get an overview of all your Projects, perhaps for executive overview or in the early planning stages before you bring a large team in.

Account Dashboard

This is your Account Dashboard, it's the first thing you see when you log into Lumi.  

This will display any Projects you have access to.  

Simply clicking them will open up the Project. 

You can return to this Account Dashboard at any time by pressing this button on the top left 

You can also quickly jump to various Projects via the Home Button inside Projects. 

Creating a Project

To create a new Project, press the three dots top right and select New Project.


Give your Project a Name, select optional start and end dates and hit Add or Add & Open 

Setting up a Project

What you want to see in your Project will likely be different for each type of project – that’s why we made Lumi configurable and better still - easy to use. Project Dashboards will become your project control centre – you decide what you want to see, front and centre. Our team can give you some ideas of what is working for teams/projects similar to yours. Ultimately, you know your project better than anyone. We’ll work with you to make sure your dashboard is set up so that it’s easy for your team to just jump in and get started.

For detailed instructions on setting up a Project, please click here.

User Access Levels

Lumi has 3 levels of user within Lumi: 

  • Account Admin: Able to set up new projects at the organisation, assign & deactivate Project Administrators and all other users to a project (we recommend only a select few key Senior Administrators or Executive Staff are Account Admins) 
  • Project Admin: Able to invite users to a particular project, change the project and all other functions (great for senior members of the team) 
  • Team: Lumi users, are assigned to projects. Cannot invite new users or deactivate ec. 

For more detailed info what each user can do please click here

Adding New Users

You will see the greatest benefit when an entire project team is working in Lumi – the more people, information and communication within the platform - the greater the return.

To add a new user to your projects,  press the "Invite User" icon from the toolbar in the top right corner of your Lumi browser. 

From the "Invite Users" window you can select which project (or projects) you want to add your new user to from the dropdown menu, you can select multiple projects at once. You can also press the + to add multiple users at the same time. 

Please note: invites expire within 7 days for security reasons. Invitees will receive multiple reminders, and you'll get an email letting you know if they have accepted or if their invite has expired and you need to resend.

Managing Users


Every Organisation has a User Management page to track all of the users in multiple Project under your account. 

Only Account Admins can view or edit this page. All other Users can access a Project specific User page within each Project.

If you are an Account Admin, select your personal avatar in the top right corner of your Lumi browser, and hit "Users" under the Account Admin section.

This opens the User Management page which has a list of all of the users in your organisation. You can see user avatars, names, email, all of the projects they have access to, their user level, and status. User status can be Invited, Active, or Deactivated.


The toolbar at the top allows you to search for any keywords or names, or filter by project, level, and status.

Edit Access Level 
To edit a user's access Level or Status, double click the relevant cell and select the level or status you'd like them to be.


Assigning or Unassigning Projects

To edit a user's access to Projects, double click the Project row next to their name and select (or unselect) projects to give that user access. Please note, users will get an email notifying them that you have added them to a Project. 

Mission Statement 

As with all processes, it can take time to adjust to a new way of working and communicating. We’ve seen that senior management support is super important to the success of any project. When change is endorsed by senior staff and the expected benefits are communicated, it’s easier to get others to come along for the ride.

As a first step, we recommend sending your staff a Lumi Mission Statement, explaining why you're using the platform, and why you're wanting them to embrace a new digital workplace. We have a template available, please contact us for a copy. 

Teaching your Team Lumi

Lumi is really easy to use. We're confident that it's so intuitive your team won't need a formal training session to be able to find their way around - just login and get started.

As your team accept their invitation, they are automatically added to a Lumi email program that encourages users to explore and use specific functionality, highlights the major features of Lumi, and offers our best tips and tricks for getting the most out of the platform.

Our User Experience team is your support crew, if and when you need them.  We offer a 7 day support service available for your team via the envelope top right.

All new Users will be sent detailed help guides and tutorials, starting with this one How to Use Lumi or they can access all of our support resources via this button. 

Security Tips 

Our top suggestions for keeping your information secure:

  • Regularly remind staff to change their Lumi passwords, do not use the same or common passwords across multiple applications. 
  • Be mindful where staff store, write or share passwords. 
  • Regularly monitor your User access via your user page, and make sure any old staff no longer have access.
  • Make sure you're using the appropriate user levels, and only giving Admin privileges to senior staff
  • Use Vaults to control access to confidential information in your Projects
  • Investigate any other software you are using that allows staff to easily copy and paste in bulk onto personal devices (ie server folders and google drives)

Ready to start?

First step, let's get your Project set up. 

Click here to get started