Lumi Casting was created by producers to facilitate an exceptional experience for applicants and casting teams. Lumi Inbox is an integral part of Lumi Casting.

All your applications from Lumi Casting arrive directly into your Project, via the Inbox. From the Inbox, all applicant information is visible, centralised and accessible.

Processing your applicants from the Inbox is easy. You can customise your Inbox columns with the information that is most important to you, and you can sort and filter the Inbox for ease of viewing and processing.

You can rate your applicants, fast track them, cull them, assign a producer and add any notes all directly on the Inbox.

Overview of the Inbox

The Inbox allows you to see all the important information about your applicants at a glance. 

See "How do I set up my Inbox Columns" to get your Inbox looking exactly how you want it.

Click the Inbox icon to open the Inbox. Note, the Inbox icon will display a count of any unread applications.

 See a count of all applications in the Inbox on the bottom-left. If "Show Archived" toggle is switched on, the count will include archived applications. The count also includes any non-submitted applications that you have manually imported from the Pending Inbox.


You customise the columns you want on the Inbox. See "How do I set up my Inbox Columns".

You can edit information directly on the Inbox, such as assigning a Producer, assigning a status, or adding comments. This directly updates the applicant's Card. 

Click on the applicant's name to open their Card and view their full details and any images or files.

Show Archived - toggle this on or off to view/hide any archived applicants. 

To return the Inbox to its original state (ie removing any filters or sorting), click the "Refresh Inbox State" icon  on the bottom-right.