As well as customising which columns display in your Inbox, you can filter and sort your Inbox for ease of performing a particular task.

Sort your Inbox

Click in any column header to change the sort order of the Inbox. 

In the example below, clicking in the "Rating" column changes the order from highest to lowest rating. Clicking again changes the order from lowest to highest rating, and clicking a third time returns to the original order.

Your sort order will persist when you leave and return to the Inbox, when you logout/login and even when you refresh your browser.
You can remove all sorting and filtering by clicking the "Reset Inbox State" button  on the bottom-right.

Filter your Inbox

You can filter by any of the columns on your Inbox, and by a combination of columns. For example, you might only want to view applicants for a specific Producer, or applicants above a particular rating. 

1. To filter, click the downward arrow on the top-right, and then click the filter icon.

2. Then click the upside-down triangle icon on the column you want to filter by.

3. Set your filter parameters.

In the example below, I've layered the following filters, to display my ideal applicants:

  • Rating = 9
  • TV Appearance = Yes
  • Arrested? = No

Remove all Filters and Sorting

You can remove all filters and sorting simply by clicking the "Reset Inbox State" button  on the bottom-right.