You can edit a Card Category's name, colour, and which fields it contains in Project Settings.

1. To open Project Settings, click your avatar on the bottom-left to see the User menu.

2. Select "Project Settings".

3. Click the "Categories" tab.

Edit Category Name: Double click on the current Category Name, type the new name, and click outside of the cell to save.

Edit Category Colour: Double click on the colour circle for that Category and select a new colour. It will save automatically. 

Edit Category Fields: Double click in the fields cell to open the "Edit Fields in Card Category window". Here, you will see the fields that are already attached to the Category in the top window, and any fields that are not attached to this Category in the bottom window.

Add Field: Click on a field in the bottom window to add it to the Category. If you want to create a new field to add to the Category see the Fields Help Guide.

Remove Field: Click on the bin icon next to a field to remove it from the Category.

Reorder Fields: You can reorder the fields by dragging the move icon. This determines the order the fields will display on a Card.

Priority Fields: You can select/deselect priority fields by clicking the star iconnext to the field. This determines which fields display as a column on the Inbox.

Note, changes are applied to all new and existing Cards of this Category.

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