Auto List is a new feature that allows you to automatically populate your List with Cards that meet your required specifications. Simply create a new List, set your behaviours, and the relevant Cards will be added. Both existing Cards, and new Cards that meet the specifications will automatically be added to your List.

Auto List Behaviours

The behaviours that you can select from are:

Category - All Cards of your chosen Category will be automatically added to your List. For example, you might want a List that displays all Talent, Crew or To Dos etc. 


Category + Fields - All Cards of your chosen Category, that also have a specific Field value (or values) will be automatically added to your List. You can specify multiple Fields. 

For example, you might want to create a List to help you cast a dating show, and want all "Talent" Cards that have a "Relationship Status" of "Single" or "It's Complicated" to be added to your List. You might also want to add a second or third Field to narrow your selection further.

In the above example:

Category = Talent

Field = Relationship Status

Field Values = 'Single' or 'It's Complicated'

Note, Auto Lists only support Single Choice and Multiple Choice fields.

Once you have created an Auto List you will be unable to manually add or remove Cards from the List. The add and delete Card buttons will be disabled.

See "How do I Create an Auto List?".