Auto List behaviour can be edited at any time. Editing the behaviour will prompt a sync of your List, which will remove the Cards that no longer meet the requirements, and add the Cards that do.

1. Open your Auto List.

2. Click the lightening icon on the toolbar.

The Settings dialog will open. 

3. Click the down arrow next to your Auto List behaviour. The Auto List details will expand. 

From here, you can:

  • Add additional Fields to the current behaviour to narrow your results. Click the + sign under the bottom Field to add additional Fields. Then select the relevant Values for the additional Fields.

  • Remove Fields from your current behaviour to broaden your results. Click the minus (-) button under the Field that you want to remove. 

  • Select or deselect Field Values. Click the "Values" dropdown menu for the Field that you want to edit. Select or deselect values.

  • Change one Field for another. Click the Field dropdown menu and change it for your desired Field. You will then need to reselect the relevant Values for that Field.

4. Once you have updated your behaviours as desired, click Save

The Settings dialog will close, and you will briefly see the "Sync in progress" message on your List.

Your List will be updated with Cards that meet your new requirements. 

Also see "How do I Remove my Auto List Behaviour?".