Casting Help Guide

Modified on Mon, 26 Aug at 11:13 AM


What is Lumi Casting?

Lumi Casting was created by producers to facilitate an exceptional experience for applicants and casting teams. Applicants are engaged from their first touch and producers gain better insight to find the right people faster.

  • All applicant information is visible and accessible from the moment it hits the centralised inbox. 
  • Teams can effortlessly manage candidates and communicate with them at scale. 
  • Customised applicant cards are automatically created for each application. 
  • Real-time audition notes enable better collaboration
  • Decisions made are captured immediately in one place and available throughout the project
  • A built-in fee recovery option, enables cost recovery or even revenue generating applications.

Turn Casting Feature On / Off

Casting is a feature that must be enabled in Project Settings before it can be used. If you can't see Casting listed in Project Settings, please contact to have this feature switched on for your Organisation.

Once Casting is switched on for your Organisation, it will still need to be enabled in Project Settings. The Lumi Support team might have done this step for you.

Go to Project Settings:

1. Click your avatar on the bottom-left to open the User menu.

2. Select "Project Settings".

3. Scroll down on the Project Settings page until you see "Casting". If it's not already enabled (blue), switch it to enabled. This change will save automatically.

You will notice the Inbox camera iconwill display in the sidebar.

Click the downward arrow to expand the Casting section.

You'll see that "Pending Inbox" and "Producer Behaviour" settings are toggled on (blue) by default. 

Pending Inbox: When this is toggled on (blue) you will have access to the Inbox Pending tab. 

The Pending Inbox shows applicants have have started the application process but have not clicked "Submit". You can manually import these partial applications from the Pending Inbox into the main Inbox.

If you toggle this off (to grey) you will not have access to the Pending tab. 

For more information on the Pending Inbox see the Inbox Help Guide.

Producer Behaviour: When this is toggled on (blue) the first user to modify an applicant card will be allocated as the producer. You can still manually edit the producer.


Create an Application

Once Casting is enabled for your Project, you will need to set up your application(s). 

1. Click your avatar on the bottom-left to open the User menu.

2. Select "Casting Settings".

Then click the + button on the top-right to create a new application.

A new application will be created.

You will need to configure your new application to suit your casting needs.

Configure your Application

You can customise your application as much as you want by adding and removing pages and questions, adding your own branding, background image or colours, and much more.

Click on the three dots to the right of your new application, and select "Edit" to open application configuration. Or, you can click on the Application name.

Application configuration will open. 

NOTE: Any changes you make will need to be manually saved by clicking "Save" in the top-right. Navigating away without clicking "Save" will lose your changes.

Your application has a number of sections that can be edited. Click the downward arrow to expand the section. You can also add new sections or remove sections that you don't want. Each section will be a page on the Casting app.

Expand the "Application Info" section.

Application -  This is the name of your application, which will display to applicants in the Casting app, and in any automated emails they receive through the application process. It defaults to the Project name, but can be edited here.

Category - This is the Card Category that your application is linked to. It will default to the "Applicants" category, and will usually not need to be changed. The Category is where the fields come from that will create the questions on your application form.

Support Email - We recommend that you provide a contact email to make the application process as user friendly as possible for your applicants.

Your email address will display on the "application has been submitted" page. 

It will also be provided in the "your application has been received" email. 

As the applicant emails they receive are "do not reply", this gives them a point of contact should they encounter any problems or have any questions.

Start Date: auto-populates with today's date. You can edit this at any time.

Close Date: auto-populates for two months after the date of creation. You can edit this at any time.

Add your Logo or Branding

You can brand your application with your logo or banner.

Click "Set Image".

Select an existing image from your project, or click "Upload" to upload from your computer.

Logo specifications - We recommend using an image with a transparent background, so that it sits seamlessly on the page. 500px wide and 150px height is the recommended image dimensions.

You can rotate or crop your image if needed.

Click "Set Image".

Then click "Save".

You can check how your logo looks by clicking "Preview" in the toolbar.

A preview of your application will display.

Add Terms & Conditions

You can add your own Terms & Conditions to your Casting application. 

Expand the "Application Info" section, and scroll down to the Terms & Conditions text box.

Type or paste in your Terms & Conditions. Then click the "Save" button in the top-right of the application configuration.

A link will appear below the Terms & Conditions text box to view your T&Cs. 

In the Casting app T&Cs will display at the bottom of the registration page.

Applicants can click the link to open a pop-up box to view the T&Cs.

Applicants will need to select the "I agree to the Terms & Conditions" checkbox before they can click "Continue".

Add Countdown Text

This is optional text that will display above the countdown when an applicant clicks on the Casting link before the application start date. 

If you don't enter your own Countdown Text, it will default to "Get ready for [application name]".

To add countdown text expand the "Application Info" section, scroll to "Countdown Text" and enter your message. We recommend making the text size at least 24 pt.

Click "Save".

Add Signup Text

This is optional text that will display underneath your logo or heading on the registration page. 

If you leave this field blank, there is no default sign up text. For example:

To add signup text expand the "Application Info" section, scroll to "Signup Text" and enter your message.

Click "Save".

Add Landing Page Text

This is an optional page that will display prior to the registration page only if you enter text in the "Landing Page Text" box.

Open the "Application Info" section, scroll down to "Landing Page Text" and enter your message. 

Click "Save".

Applicants will see this when they first click the Casting link. 

Clicking "Apply" will take them to the registration page.

Open Applications

Expand the "Application Info" section.

Edit "Start Date" to today to open it immediately.

Click the "Save" button on the top-right.

Close Applications

Expand the "Application Info" section.

Edit the "Close Date" to yesterday if you want to close the application immediately. If you set it to today it will be open until 12 midnight.

Click the "Save" button on the top-right.

You can add some "Closed Text" that applicants will see if they click the application link after the Close Date.

Add "Applications are Closed" Text

In the "Application Info" section, you can enter application closed text, that applicants will see if they click the Casting link after the closed date.

Click "Save" after entering text.

For example:  

If you don't enter your own Closed Text, it will default to "This application is now closed".

Receive Slack Notifications for new Applicants

You can elect to be notified via slack message when a new application is submitted. This is not recommended for larger applications. 

1. To set up your slack URL go to:

2. Enter your slack URL in your application configuration. 

3. Click the Save button on the top-right of application configuration.

Note, if an applicant updates their application you will not receive a second slack notification.

If you would like assistance in setting this up please contact

Set up your Application Style

There are a number of things you can do to influence the look and feel of your Casting application. 

Upload a Background Image

You asked and we listened! You can now upload your own background image that will be applied to each page of your Casting application. 

Expand the "Application Theme" section.

Click the camera icon in the application preview window, and select an image from your computer. 

Background image specifications - As we've built this feature to suit mobile in the first instance, we recommend that you upload a taller image, rather than landscape. Lower resolution images will work best for performance on a mobile.

The preview window will immediately give you an idea of how your background image will look. 

Click the "Save" button on the top-right.

We recommend you also preview how it will look on desktop and mobile view. Click the "Preview" button at the top of your application to see the desktop view. You can copy/paste the preview URL into your Chrome browser on your phone to view it there.

Desktop view:

Mobile view:

Other Styling Options

Corner shape

Another way you can influence the look and feel of your application is by selecting the corner shape of the sections and field boxes. You can choose square, rounded or round.

Example of squared corners:

Click the "Save" button on the top-right to save any changes.


You can select white or black font for all text in your application. Your best option will depend on whether your background image or colour is dark or light. You'll want to ensure your text is clearly visible in each section of your application.

Click the "Save" button on the top-right to save any changes.


If you don't want to use a background image, you can select between a few colour themes, or upload your own custom colours. 

You can also set the opacity (brightness) of the colours using the "Opacity" slider.

The theme you select will immediately display in the preview window.

Click the "Save" button on the top-right to save any changes.

Set your Location

Are you casting in Australia, the US or the UK? The "Locale" settings will ensure that your Casting application uses the correct date format and currency for the location.

The Locale will default to that of your Project. If the application needs a different locale than the Project, you can edit it here. 

Locale: Select en-AU (Australia), en-GB (Greater Britain) or en-US from the dropdown menu.

Timezone: Select timezone (this must be populated, or you won't be able to save changes to your application).

Currency: Automatically populates depending on Locale.

Date format: Automatically populates depending on Locale.

Click the "Save" button on the top-right to save any changes.

Authentication Codes

Applicants must authenticate their application by entering a temporary code. They can receive this code by sms or email.

Expand the "Authentication" section of the application.Simple: This is the default method and sends the temporary code to the applicant's email address. 

2FA (sms): This is a more secure method. We recommend this if collecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or if you come under GDPR/UKGDPR/SOC legislation. Please note there are sms fees associated with turning this on. Please contact for more information on 2FA.

If you make any changes, click the "Save" button on the top-right.

Upload Profile Image section

Expand the section called "show us your great side!" by clicking the downward arrow.

This is the page where casting applicants upload their profile image.

Page Title: By default this is titled "Show us your great side!". You can edit it here.

Page Text: The default text is "No pictures in front of mirrors please". You can edit it here.

Click the "Save" button on the top-right to save any changes.

This is the applicant's view of the profile page. 

When they click the camera icon it will open to their computer where they can upload an image. They can only upload one profile image. There are other sections of the application where they can upload other images and videos.


Social Media section

By default, there is a page in the application that requests applicants' social media handles. 

Page Title: By default this is titled "Let's get Social". You can edit the page title here.

Page Text: This is blank by default, but you can add further instructions here. 

Social Media Fields: Includes Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, tiktok, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat by default. You can remove any you don't want by clicking the bin icon. 

You can switch any important fields to mandatory by toggling it to blue.

The Social Media page will display as follows in the Casting app. I've included some page text in the example below.

Add & Delete Sections

An application is comprised of sections (pages), groups (of questions) and questions. Each "Section" creates a separate page in your Casting application. When you create a new Casting application, the default sections (pages) are:

  • Registration page - which captures the applicant's name, email and phone number
  • Profile Image - requests applicant to upload a single profile image
  • Social Media - requests their social media handles for a variety of social platforms
  • Tell us about yourself - a "form" style section where you can add field questions and free text questions. By default, it has one free text question "Tell us about yourself", which you can edit or remove. 
  • Upload Media - where the applicant can upload files, images & videos.
  • Submit page - the final page where they lodge their application.

You will need to add and remove sections, groups and questions to suit your Casting needs. 

Add a Section

To add a section click "Add Page" at the top of the application configuration.

This will add a Form Page, which is a page where you can add questions. Your new page will be called "Custom Page", which you will need to edit.

Expand your new "Custom Page" by clicking the downward arrow.

Your Custom Page will look like this:

1. Page Title - Enter a relevant page title. 

2. Page Text - Optional text that will display after the page title.

3. Question Group - A Question Group is contained within a translucent border and can have a single question or multiple questions grouped together. See the examples below.

4. Question Group Text - Optional text that will display in the translucent area at the top of a Group.

5. Questions - this is where you add the questions for the group. This is explained in detail below.

6. Add Group - you can add additional groups to the page.

Group with a single question:

Group with multiple questions:

Click the "Save" button on the top-right to save any changes.

Delete Sections

You can remove any sections that you don't want by clicking the rubbish bin icon next to the section. 

Click the "Save" button on the top-right to save any changes.

Add Questions to your Application

Questions can either come from your Applicant Card fields, or can be rich text questions created directly in the application configuration. 

Create New Fields

Card fields are created in Project Settings and attached to the Applicant Card Category. Card fields can be single choice, multiple choice, date, text, numerical or boolean (true/false).

To create new fields so you can add them as questions on your application, click your avatar on the bottom-left in Lumi and select "Project Settings" from the menu.

Click the "Fields" tab.

Click the + button on the top-right to add a new field.

Enter a "Field Name".

Select your "Field Type" (ie Text, Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Date, Boolean (true/false), Number.

Click "Confirm".

Your new field will be created, but you still need to associate it with the Applicant Card Category. 

Double click the "Card Categories" cell for your new field, and select "Applicants".

Go back to your Application Configuration and click "Add Question". Your new field(s) will be available for selection.

Add Fields as Questions

Click "Add Question" in the Application Configuration.

This will open the "Add Field Question" window, displaying all fields that are currently available to add as questions. 

Select any fields you want to include in that group, and click "Add Fields".

The questions will be added to the group.

Reorder Questions - You can reorder the questions by dragging the icon.

Delete Questions - To remove a question from your application, click the bin icon. This does not delete the field from the Applicant cards, just from the application.

Mandatory - You can make a question optional (grey) or mandatory (blue) by clicking the toggle.

Pills - Single and multiple choice questions can be presented as pills or as a dropdown menu. See each example below:

Dropdown menu - toggle off (grey):

Pills - toggle on (blue):

Hide Label - The label is the field name. You can choose whether to hide the label (toggle to blue) or show the label (toggle to grey).

In this example, the label (field name "Tell us about you") is shown, but because the question is asked via the Group Text, the field label could be hidden.

Click the "Save" button on the top-right to save any changes.

Add Rich Text Questions

You can add rich text questions to your application. These are not card fields and the responses will only display in the applicant's content tab and the application PDF.

To create a text question on you application, click the downward arrow next to the "Add Question" button and then select "Rich Text Question".

The following window will open. In "New field title" enter your question. Then click "Add Field".

For example, "Tell us about you" as shown below.

Toolbar toggle - Select whether you want the text box to include a formatting toolbar (blue is toolbar on) so applicants can use rich text in their response.

Mandatory toggle - You can make a question optional (toggle to grey) or mandatory (toggle to blue).

Hide Label toggle - The label is the field name. You can choose whether to hide the label (toggle to blue) or show the label (toggle to grey). In the example above, it makes sense to show the label, "Tell us about you", because that is the question. Sometimes, you might use the group text to write the question, in which case, hiding the label would look cleaner.

Upload Media section

The "Send us some media" section allows applicants to upload photos, videos and other documents. There is a maximum file size of 200 MB.

Expand the "Send us some media" section. 

Page Title: Defaults to "Send us some media", but you can edit it here. 

Page Text: Defaults to "Pics & short videos", but you can edit it here. We recommend at least 18 pt text size.

Click "Save".

If you want to add additional Media pages click the downward arrow next to the "Add Page" button and select "Media Page". 

Add a "Page Title" and "Page Text" for your new Media page and click "Save".

Thank you Page

A thank you message will display after your applicant clicks "Submit" on their application. 

The default message is "Thank you. This application has been submitted". 

To edit the "Thank you" message expand the "Thank you Page" section.

Page Text: Enter your "thank you" message.

Return URL: (Optional) Enter a URL if you want applicants to go to a particular webpage after submitting their application. 

Return URL text: (Optional) Enter the text that you want to be hyperlinked.

Click "Save".

For example:

Thank you Email

When an applicant submits their application a thank you email will be sent to them.

The default thank you email is as follows:

Subject: Application to [application name] received

Message: Thank you for your submission to be a part of [application name]

Body: Your application has been received.

You can edit the email by expanding the "Thank you Email" section.

Click "Save".

Preview your Application

You can preview your application at any time as you are configuring it. When in preview mode you can travel through the application without entering any data (except any compulsory fields). You can also click "Submit" and the application will not be sent to the Inbox.

To open preview mode click the "Preview" button at the top of the page.

If you are in Casting view, click the three dots next to the application you want to preview and select "Open Preview".

Your preview will open in a new tab and will have a "Preview" banner on the top-right.

You don't need to add any data, just click "Continue".

Note, SMS & email authentication codes will not be sent in preview mode. 

Click "Next" to travel through the application. 

You will need to populate any compulsory fields (ie marked with a red asterisk). If you miss any compulsory fields, the "Oops" page will display. Just click "Let's Go" and enter data into the compulsory fields to continue.  

Note, any applications that are submitted in preview mode will not be sent to the Inbox.

Share your Application

You can share your application using the URL or a QR Code. 

Share with a URL

From Casting Settings, click the three dots next to the application you want to share, and select "Copy Link".

You can then paste the link (ie on your website, Socials or email).

Share with QR Code

From Casting view, click the three dots next to the application you want to share, and select "QR Code".

Click "Download QR Code". 

What Emails will Applicants Receive?

Registration Email:

If the authentication method is set to 2FA (sms), applicants will receive a registration email when they click "Continue" on the registration page. This email provides the link to reopen and continue their application if they leave it part way through.

Temporary Code Email:

If the the authentication method is set to "simple" (email), applicants will receive the following email instead of the registration email. This contains their authentication code, and a link to continue their application.

Application Received Email:

When the applicant completes and clicks "Submit" on their application they will receive the following email.

Reminder Email:

If an applicant starts their application but doesn't submit it, they will receive a reminder email after 72 hours.

Duplicate your Application

Great news! You can now duplicate your applications. This allows you to configure an application exactly as you want, then duplicate and repurpose it, saving you lots of time and energy.

Go to Casting Settings.

Click on the three dots next to the application you want to duplicate and select "Duplicate".

Your duplicate application will open automatically and will have the same application name, followed by "(copy)". 

The Start Date and Close Date will automatically be reset for the new application.

Edit the application as desired.

Note, the current limitations are that the team and payments sections are not duplicated, and neither is logo or background image.

Delete Application

If you don't want to see your application when you open Casting Configuration, you can just set the "Close Date" prior to today, and the application will be hidden from the list.

If you want to delete the application, click on the application title to open configuration.

On the first section titled "Application Info" click the downward arrow to expand it.

Scroll down to the "Danger Zone" section.

Note, deleting an application is final and cannot be undone. 

Click "Delete this application".

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