Vaults & Restricted Access Help Guide

Modified on Thu, 13 Mar at 12:50 PM



What are vaults?

Lumi Vaults are a tool to restrict access to items within a Project. You can restrict access to selected Cards, Lists, Boards, Kanbans, and Documents & Media. You can also restrict access to whole Categories and Sub-Categories of Cards.

Types of Vaults

Every Lumi User has their own Personal Vault in each Lumi Project. When you add things to your personal vault, only you will be able to see and access them. 

You can also create Team Vaults to limit access to a select members of your Lumi Project.

Restrict Access to a Card Category

You can restrict access to an entire Category of Cards. For example, you might have a Category called "Celebrities" that includes their personal details that you'd like to restrict, either to your personal vault, or to a select group of users within a team vault. 

When a Category is restricted, any Card created for that Category will automatically be restricted (ie added to the specified vault).

For instructions on setting up team vaults, see the "Configuration" section below.

Restricted access on Sub-Categories

If you don't want to vault the whole Card Category, you can just vault certain Sub-Categories. 

Sub-Categories are nested Categories that can be created under a Card Category, allowing you to manage complex data such as flight information, accommodation etc. For example, under "Crew" you might have the Sub-Categories "Travel" and "Accomodation" allowing you to capture their detailed travel and accomodation information. 

Sub-Categories can be vaulted to your personal vault, or to a team vault. 

In the example below, the "Accom" Sub-Category is vaulted to a team vault.

For instructions on setting up team vaults, see the "Configuration" section below.

Privately Archive a Project or Data

Vaults are also a useful tool to archive content after a project or stage of the project is completed. The content will still remain on Lumi and will remain linked to your project, but it won't clutter the current activities of your team.

See the "Archiving in Lumi" section below for detailed instructions. 

Using Vaults

Every Lumi user has their own personal vault in each Project. Team vaults can also be created in each Project. This section assumes that your team vaults have already been set up. 

For instructions on setting up team vaults, see the "Configuration" section below.

Add Cards, Lists, Boards & Kanbans to a Vault

The following demonstrates adding a Card to a vault. Adding a List, Board or Kanban is the same process.

1. Open the Card (List, Board or Kanban)

2. Expand the toolbar by clicking the purple arrowon the top-right.

3. Click "Vault"

4. Select "Only me" for your personal vault, or "Users with access to a specific vault" to select a team vault.

If you selected "Users with access to a specific vault", and there is more than one team vault for the project, select the relevant vault from the dropdown menu.

If "Users with access to a specific vault" is greyed out it means there are no team vaults set up for the Project. 

"Include Media" is selected by default. This means that all media (ie documents, files and media) attached to the Card (List, Kanban or Board) will also be vaulted. If you don't want to vault the Card's media, deselect this.

5. Click "Set Access"

The Card (List, Board or Kanban) will display the vault icon on the top-right:

If you selected your personal vault it will look like this:

The Card is now inaccessible to anyone other than the vault members.

You will now see the vault icon wherever the Card exists in Lumi.

In Search:

On Lists, Boards & Kanbans:


Add Documents & Media to a Vault

On the Project Library

1. Click the bookcase icon on the sidebar menu to open the Library. 

2. Select the "Files" tab.

3. Search for the file you want to vault. 

4. Click the three dots next to the file and select "Manage Access".

5. Select "Only me" for your private vault, or "Users with access to a specific vault" to select a team vault.

If you selected "Users with access to a specific vault", select the relevant vault from the dropdown menu.

If "Users with access to a specific vault" is greyed out it means there are no team vaults set up for the Project. 

6. Click "Set Access"

The file is now vaulted and will display the vault icon wherever it appears in the Project. 

Only users that have access to that vault will be able to access the file.

Add specific documents and media to a vault on a Card

There may be times that you don't want to vault a Card, but you want to restrict access to certain documents or media attached to the Card.

1. Open the Card and go to the "Media" tab.

2. Click the three dots next to the media you want to restrict, and select "Manage Access".

3. Select whether you want to add the media to your personal vault or to "Users with access to a specific vault" (ie team vault), then select the vault from the dropdown menu. 

4. Click "Set Access".

Access to the file is now restricted wherever the file exists in the Project.

Add Multiple Items to a Vault

You can edit the access of multiple items at once wherever the bulk actions menu is available (ie Library, Lists and Boards). 

The following example demonstrates adding items to a vault on the Project Library. The process is the same on Lists and Boards.  

1. Click the bookcase icon on the left-hand side to open the Library. 

2. Select the relevant tab (ie Cards or Files). 

3. Filter your search by typing into the search bar, or expand "Advanced Search" and filter by a Category or Fields. In the following example, I've filtered by the Category "Celebrities".

4. Select one item and the bulk actions menu will open on the right-hand side.

5. Click the double ticks in the bulk action menu to select all items in your search.

6. Then click the Vault icon in the bulk actions menu.

The "Manage Access" window will open. 

7. Select "Only me" for your private vault, or "Users with access to a specific vault" and then select the relevant group vault. 

"Include Media" is selected by default. This means that all media (ie documents, files and media) attached to the Card will also be vaulted. If you don't want to vault the Card's media deselect this.

8. Click "Set Access".

Access to the items is now restricted wherever they exist in the Project.

Remove an item from a Vault

You can remove items from a vault individually or in bulk.

Remove individual Item (Card, List, Board or Kanban) from a Vault

This demonstrates removing a Card from a vault, but the process is the same for a List, Board and Kanban.

1. Open the Card

2. Expand the toolbar by clicking the purple arrow on the top-right.

3. Click the vault icon in the expanded toolbar.

The "Manage Access" window will open. 

4. Select "Everyone in this project".

5. Click "Set Access".

The item is now accessible to everyone in the Project.

Remove individual Media from a Vault

This can be done on the Card Media tab, or in the Library.

1. Open the Card that has the vaulted media.

2. Click the Card "Media" tab.

3. Click the three dots next to the vaulted media.

4. Click "Manage Access".

5. Select "Everyone in this project".

6. Click "Set Access".

The media is now accessible to anyone in the Project.

Remove multiple Cards or Media from a Vault

You can remove multiple Cards or Media from a vault at once wherever the bulk actions menu is available (ie Library, Lists and Boards). 

The following example demonstrates removing items from a vault on the Project Library. The process is the same on Lists and Boards.  

1. Click the bookcase icon on the left-hand side to open the Library. 

2. Select the relevant tab (ie Cards or Files). 

3. Filter your search by typing into the search bar, or expand "Advanced Search" and filter by a Category or Fields. In the following example, I've filtered by the Category "Celebrities".  You can also filter your search by a specific vault.

4. Select one item and the bulk actions menu will open on the right-hand side.

5. Click the double ticks in the bulk action menu to select all items in your search.

6. Then click the vault icon in the bulk actions menu.

The "Manage Access" window will open. 

7. Select "Everyone in this project".

8. Click "Set Access".

The items are now accessible to everyone in the Project.

Access items in a Vault

You can access your items anywhere in Lumi, you don't need to go to your vault to find them.  They will just be hidden from anyone that doesn't have access. 

Or, you can click into your vault from the vaults page and it will take you to the Project Library showing you everything in that vault.

1. Click your avatar on the bottom-left to open the user menu.

2. Select "Access Management".

3. Then click the "Vaults" tab.

This will display your personal vault and any team vaults that have been created for the project.

4. Click on the desired vault to view all its vaulted items. It will open them in the Project Library.

What do users who aren't in the Vault see?

On Access Management > Vaults view:

Users who aren't in a vault can see the vault name and who the owner is. They can't see the names of the other members or the items that are in the vault. 

In the sidebar search:

When you don't have access to an item, you will see "Vaulted Card", "Vaulted List", "Vaulted Board", etc, but you won't see the Card or List name or contents.

This is how a List that you don't have access to will look:

If you click on a Card, Board or List that you don't have access to you will be redirected to the Project Dashboard. You will see the message "This [Card/List/Board] is unavailable or has been removed"

If a file is vaulted - it will still appear in the project. However. will be renamed to 'Vaulted Media' and will have the 'Vault' icon displayed. 

Configuring Vaults

How to Create a Team Vault

You have a personal vault in each project by default. 

You can create as many team vaults as you want, and select which team members will have access to them.

1. Open your Project. 

2. Click your avatar on the bottom-left to open the user menu.

3. Select "Access Management".

4. Then click the "Vaults" tab.

The "Vaults" view will open, displaying your personal vault and any team vaults that have been created for the project.

5. Click the + button on the top-right.

The "Add New Vault" dialog will open.

6. Enter a Vault Name, and select a colour.

7. Click "Confirm".

Your new vault is created! 

You are currently the only one with access.  As the vault owner, you can add other users. 

Add Users to a Team Vault

If you aren't already in the Vault view, click your avatar on the bottom-left of the project to open user settings. 

Click "Access Management", then select the "Vaults" tab.

Note, only the vault owner can edit, add users, remove users or delete the vault. 

1. To add users to a team vault, click the person icon in the vault header.

2. Then search for the user and tick the checkbox next to their name.

Note, if the user doesn't come up in the search, it means they haven't been given access to the project yet.

In the example below, I am the vault owner, and I have just given Freddie access to "Group A" vault.

Repeat to add additional users to the vault.

Remove Users from a Team Vault

If you aren't already in the Vault view, click your avatar on the bottom-left of the project to open user settings. 

Click "Access Management" and select the "Vaults" tab.

Note, only the vault owner can edit, add users, remove users or delete the vault. 

To remove a user from a Vault, simply press the bin icon next to their name.

User is removed from the vault and will immediately lose access to any items in the vault.

Change Owner of a Vault

Only the current vault owner can change ownership. Once they have changed ownership, they will no longer be able to edit the vault members or vault settings. They will also not be able to change ownership back to themselves.

1. If you are the current vault owner you will have a pen icon next to your name. Click the pen icon to edit ownership. 

2. Search for the ne vault owner's name and click on the name to select it.

3.  The vault owner has been successfully changed. Now, only the new owner can add or remove vault members, change vault ownership or change the vault settings.

Edit a Team Vault's Name or Colour

If you aren't already in the Vault view, click your avatar on the bottom-left of the project to open user settings. 

Click "Access Management" and select the "Vaults" tab.

Note, only the vault owner can edit, add users, remove users or delete the vault. 

To edit the vault's name or colour, click the three dots in the vault header.

Select "Edit".

Make your changes and click "Confirm".

Delete a Team Vault

Deleting a vault will not delete any items that are in the vault, it will just make the items accessible to all users in the Project.

If you aren't already in the Vault view, click your avatar on the bottom-left of the project to open user settings. 

Click "Access Management" and select the "Vaults" tab.

Note, only the vault owner can edit, add users, remove users or delete the vault. 

To delete a vault click the three dots in the vault header.

Select "Delete".

Click "Delete" on the confirmation window.

The vault is now deleted.

Vaulting Categories and Sub-Categories

Restrict a Card Category

You may want to restrict an entire Card Category to a specific group of users. When a Category is vaulted, any Cards created for that Category will automatically be vaulted. 

1. Go to Project Settings.

2. Select the "Categories" tab.

3. Click the three dots next to the relevant Category.

4. Select "Edit".

5. Click the "Restricted Access" dropdown menu, and select the desired vault.

6. Click "Update".

Any future Cards created for this Category will automatically be vaulted. 

Note, any existing Cards for this Category will not be vaulted. You can bulk add them to the vault in the Project Library. See "Add Multiple Items to a Vault".

Restrict a Sub-Category

If you don't want to restrict the entire Card Category, you can restrict a nested Sub-Category. For example, you might want Crew Cards accessible to all Project members, but have some sensitive information in Sub-Categories that you want to restrict.

 In the example below, Crew Category has the Sub-Categories "Accom" and "Travel". I will vault the "Accom" Sub-Category to a team vault called "Team A".

1. Go to Project Settings.

2. Select the "Categories" tab.

3. Click the three dots next to the relevant Sub-Category.

4. Select "Edit".

5. Click the "Restricted Access" dropdown menu, and select the desired vault.

6. Click "Update".

Any future records for this Sub-Category will automatically be vaulted. 

Note, any existing records for this Sub-Category will not be vaulted. You can either vault them on the individual Cards, or create a Sub-Category List to vault them in bulk, as shown in the screenshot below.

Vaulting Project Dashboards

You can create multiple Dashboards within a project that can be configured to suit different teams or different phases of production. 

For example, you can create a different Dashboard for Executives, Accounts, Casting, Post-Production, etc, displaying all the information pertinent to them front and centre.

You could take this a step further and create matching team vaults and vault the Dashboards to the corresponding vault. This will stop the confusion of users accidentally accessing the wrong Dashboard.

Set up the relevant team vaults

See How to Create a Team Vault section of this guide to set up your vaults. 

Create your Dashboards

1. Go to your Project Dashboard. 

2. Expand the toolbar and select "Settings".

3. Click "Add" Dashboard icon.

4. Name your new Dashboard and select the relevant team vault. 

5. Click "Add".

6. Set up your new Dashboard.

Note, if you are not a member of the vault, you will immediately lose access to the new Dashboard. 

Accessing Additional Dashboards

If there are multiple Dashboards for a project you will see a small arrow on the top-right.

Click the arrow to see all Dashboards that you have access to. 

In the following example, I have access to two non-vaulted Dashboards, and one vaulted Dashboard. Any Dashboards that I don't have access to will not even be listed.

Click the desired Dashboard to switch views.

Archiving in Lumi

Archive Content

Vaults are also a useful tool to archive content after a project or stage of the project has been completed. The content will still remain on Lumi and is linked to your project - but it won't clutter the current activities of your team.

Follow the instructions on "How to Create a Team Vault" and name your new vault "Archived Content" or similar.

Select all the Cards, Lists, Boards and documents that are no longer being used, and add them to your archive vault.

As the vault owner, you will still see the vaulted items in the project, but they will have the relevant archived vault icon.

Archive a Project

You can securely archive a whole project when it is finished or wrapped so that it doesn't clutter your work space. 

Note, once you archive a project you won't be able to access it without Lumi staff unarchiving it for you.

1. Open the project you want to archive.

2. Click your user avatar on the bottom-left and select "Project Settings".

3. Click "Archive".

Your project is now securely archived.

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