Questions can either come from your Applicant Card fields, or can be rich text questions created directly in the application configuration. Rich text questions are not card fields and the responses will only display in the applicant's content tab and the application PDF.

Each option and how to add them to your application are explained below. 

Create New Fields

Card fields are created in Project Settings and attached to the Applicant Card Category. Card fields can be single choice, multiple choice, date, text, numerical or boolean (true/false).

To create new fields so you can add them as questions on your application, click your avatar on the bottom-left in Lumi and select "Project Settings" from the menu.

Click the "Fields" tab.

Click the + button on the top-right to add a new field.

Enter a "Field Name".

Select your "Field Type" (ie Text, Single Choice, Multiple Choice, Date, Boolean (true/false), Number).

Click "Confirm".

Your new field will be created, but you still need to associate it with the Applicant Card Category. 

Double click the "Card Categories" cell for your new field, and select "Applicants".

Go back to your Application Configuration and click "Add Question". Your new field(s) will be available for selection.

Add Fields as Questions

Click "Add Question" in the Application Configuration.

This will open the "Add Field Question" window, displaying all fields that are currently available to add as questions. 

Select any fields you want to include in that group, and click "Add Fields".

The questions will be added to the group.

Reorder Questions - You can reorder the questions by dragging the icon.

Delete Questions - To remove a question from your application, click the bin icon. This does not delete the field from the Applicant cards, just from the application.

Mandatory - You can make a question optional (grey) or mandatory (blue) by clicking the toggle.

Pills - Single and multiple choice questions can be presented as pills or as a dropdown menu. See each example below:

Dropdown menu - toggle off (grey):

Pills - toggle on (blue):

Hide Label - The label is the field name. You can choose whether to hide the label (toggle to blue) or show the label (toggle to grey).

In this example, the label (field name "Tell us about you") is shown, but because the question is asked via the Group Text, the field label could be hidden.

Click the "Save" button on the top-right to save any changes.

Add Rich Text Questions

You can add rich text questions to your application. These are not card fields and the responses will only display in the applicant's content tab and the application PDF.

To create a text question on you application, click the downward arrow next to the "Add Question" button and then select "Rich Text Question".

The following window will open. In "New field title" enter your question. Then click "Add Field".

For example, "Tell us about you" as shown below.

Toolbar toggle - Select whether you want the text box to include a formatting toolbar (blue is toolbar on) so applicants can use rich text in their response.

Mandatory toggle - You can make a question optional (toggle to grey) or mandatory (toggle to blue).

Hide Label toggle - The label is the field name/question that you energed. You can choose whether to hide the label (toggle to blue) or show the label (toggle to grey). In the example above, it makes sense to show the label, "Tell us about you", because that is the question. Sometimes, you might use the group text to write the question, in which case, hiding the label would look cleaner.

See the Casting Help Guide for more detailed information on configuring your application.

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