There are two options to test or view your application.

1. Open Preview

"Open Preview" allows you to view every page of the application including entering input. However, it won't send you the temporary code upon registration, and won't send you the emails your applicants will receive. It also won't submit your test application to the Inbox. See "How do I preview my application?" for full details.

2. Open Live

Alternatively, if you want to go through the full experience, including receiving the temporary code, registration email, and having the test applicant sent to your Inbox, you can test it using the "Open Live" link.

From Casting Settings, click the three dots next to the application you want to test and select "Open Live".

The registration page will open in another tab.

If you go all the way through and submit your application, you can simply delete the test card from the Inbox. 

See the Casting Help Guide for more detailed information on configuring your application.

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